Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Story of Jim Dandy!!

This photo is of my grandfather, my mother's father, Everett Wickham. I do not remember him, because he died in Dec. 1966, when I was only 2 1/2 years old.
Everett is holding a crow on his thumb. The crow's name was "Jim Dandy" and he was a family pet. My mom's brothers had found him in the woods when he was a baby bird and had fallen out of a nest. They nursed him and he grew, but he thought he was part of the family. He didn't stay inside, but he found you as soon as you ventured outside.
Jim Dandy was very found of little trinkets and anything shiny. We would refer to that as "Bling" today. He would hang upside down on the clothes that were out on the line and try to steal the buttons off of clothing and even take the clothes pins. He would ride on the rim of the slop bucket as someone carried it to feed the hogs. By the time you reached the hog lot, he would have had his dinner taken care of. Jim Dandy was the family pet and was around until late one fall, about hunting season, and then just disappeared and he never came back around.
The photo above was taken at my mom's childhood home in Botetourt County, VA in the Cloverdale area.

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